Sunday, September 29, 2013

Words from Pep - Wonder & Awe

Words from Pep

Wonder & Awe

The atmosphere filled with gold as light forced its way between wind driven clouds low in the western sky. I reached with cupped hands and drew the Spirit of this air to my face. The windows through which I considered the scene became moist with gratitude. Here was the tangible presence of God. . . . . . Where do we find wonder and awe? How is the spirit of humankind astonished, uplifted? From where does the divine spark flare out and cause you to marvel? . . . . . I pondered this as I knelt in the fallen leaves secretly watching a family of Teal dabbling the surface of a small back bay. Here in this protected cove the thought occurred to me, if I could say anything to the universe it has to be, “thank you.” . . . . . The downside of technology, power and urbanization has been the isolation of modern man from what is real, from what is transcendent. We are starved for the Creative Presence. Our capacity to experience the sublime in creation is being lost as the virtual world of the artificial dominates our lives. In your center you know this to be true. . . . . . Shadow flashed across the water and the Teal family was startled to attention. Osprey was on the wing, an airborne glider with talons hunting in the gold. This family of six scurried to the reeds, hidden and safe while colored leaves, sailboat like in the sky, floated on the wind above them. . . . . . Here was wonder and amazement at the perfection of Creation’s complex workings. It was here, within Creation’s garden of serenity and fearsomeness, within the mysteries and questions, that the ecstasy of awe was first birthed in the heart of humankind. There is a mystical component to our being. We were fashioned to inhabit the golden light of God’s magnificent splendor portrayed in creation. Bend a knee in the temple of the universe and childlike astonishment will rise again. This shall be your praise. 


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