Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A-Argus Publishers has acquired both of Wally Avett’s two historical, southern fictions Coosa Flyer and Rebel Bushwacker!

A-Argus Publishers has acquired both of Wally Avett’s two historical, southern fictions Coosa Flyer and Rebel Bushwacker!

Wonderful review for Playing Mrs. Kingston by Tony Lee Moral!

Wonderful review for Playing Mrs. Kingston by Tony Lee Moral!

If you love the intriguing twists and turns of a murder mystery, then Tony Lee Moral’s Playing Mrs. Kingston may be just what you’re looking for. When actress, Catriona Benedict, is asked to play the role of a lifetime as a rich man’s wife, she’s convinced her luck is about to change, and it does. But change doesn’t always mean for the better. Soon after her faked marriage to a wealthy playboy, Catriona’s husband is killed. But rather than reaping the rewards as a rich widow, she’s suddenly catapulted into a murder mystery that must be solved if she’s to walk away with her life and freedom intact. Ripe with vivid detail, Moral keeps the reader wondering “who dunnit” throughout it’s pages.
     Debbie A. McClure, Author/Speaker - In The Spirit Of Love, In The Spirit Of Forgiveness
Coming 2015/16: The King's Consort - The Louise Rasmussen Story

I believe God wants you to know that life was meant to be FUN! It's hard to believe sometimes, but it's true. It's all about point of view.

I believe God wants you to know that life was meant to be FUN! It's hard to believe sometimes, but it's true. It's all about point of view.
Even our most difficult moments bring us gifts. And so life may call upon us to be a bit "philosophical" now and then; to embrace the "low's" with the "high's."

The trick, of course, is gratitude. Therein will you find both your peace and your joy.
“Give thanks in all things.” Paul – The Bible, New Testament - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
There is a lesson in each second of each day. Embrace it all and know we are all One.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gospel Revolution Powercast with Mike and Beres and author James "Pep" Washburn

Gospel Revolution Powercast with Mike and Beres and author James "Pep" Washburn, author of Touching Spirit: Letters of Minominike a fictional story about letters from a man's grandfather who has great spiritual insight.  You can purchase the book at the following link:

Friday, January 23, 2015

Interactive Mysteries and Storytelling Card Game

Interactive Mysteries and Storytelling Card Game
An eleven-year-old son who wishes to start his own business creating a storytelling card game to help children use their imaginations in creating stories, and to help with writer's block.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Awesome review for Emilio Iasiello's Why People Do What They Do

Awesome review for Emilio Iasiello's Why People Do What They Do
I love reading Short Stories, and this collection by Emilio Iasiello, is a lucid and penetrable read. From the opening "Sharks" story, I was immediately pulled into the character's psyche because of Iasiello's crisp and vivid language, and the terrible phobias that lurk within all of us. Having a childhood fear of water, I immediately identified with the central character's plight. By the end of reading the short, I felt I was literally swimming with sharks, which is a metaphor for so many of our human fears. The collection of stories are told in the first person, from a variety of characters, all of whom are battling their inner demons. Isaiello opens the dark cupboard of human guilt and fear with his collection of short stories that will remain in your consciousness long after reading.

    Tony Lee Moral, author of Playing Mrs. Kingston

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Devil Takes Half by Leta Serafim

The Devil Takes Half by Leta Serafim
   Patronas, our loveable detective is the Greek version of Columbo.  Stumbling over clues to catch a killer on the exotic island of Greece. Don’t mistake him for a fool.  A wonderfully different “who done it”.
  • Barbara Collins – Independent Reviews

Intimate Bondage by John Flynn

Intimate Bondage by John Flynn
Shades of 50 Shades!  Much more to offer than the erotic.  Instead of sex, sex, and more sex, there is murder and intrigue.  How do you catch a serial killer?  Become a victim.  A psychological thriller.

    Barbara Collins – Independent Reviews

Hanahatchee by Trisha O’Keefe

Hanahatchee by Trisha O’Keefe
   A South Georgia murder mystery that spans both past and present, across racial divides ever present in Southern heritage.  There is nothing that better describes the legal system in the South.  The characters are so well described that they are probably still alive and well way down south.

    Barbara Collins – Independent Reviews

Aberration by Lisa Regan is an A+

Aberration by Lisa Regan is an A+  
 “A departure from what is normal, or expected.  One that is unwelcome.” Aberration.  The definition truly describes this book regarding behavioral science used to catch an extraordinarily evil killer.  The female agent that brings him down has her own set of problems.  As they intertwine, things get really, really bad. 

  • Barbara Collins – Independent Reviews

Johnnie Come Lately sitting at #2 on Hot New Releases (Eating Disorders) and #2 Top Rated

Johnnie Come Lately sitting at #2 on Hot New Releases (Eating Disorders) and #2 Top Rated

Supercell is truly SUPER!

Supercell is truly SUPER!
I’m a huge fan of disaster novels, and an even bigger fan of Buzz Bernard.  He can’t write fast enough for me.  Eyewall, Plague, and now, Supercell.  The writing is so intense that you don’t dare put the book down until the end, and then you still want more.  Edge of your seat drama.  Each of his books would make block-buster movies.  Can’t wait to see what the next disaster is…Blizzard!

    Barbara Collins – Independent Reviews

Fantastic review for Rose Bush by Stephen Doster!

Fantastic review for Rose Bush by Stephen Doster!
If you like a good old fashion Southern tale, this is the book for you.  This book has it all, protagonist, antagonist, and peacemaker, with many a Southern Belle thrown in for good measure, all which are described so well that you think you actually know them.  A very enjoyable read, with a very satisfying ending.
Barbara Collins, Independent Reviews

FABULOUS Review on Reader's Choice for Shadows on Iron Mountain by Chuck Walsh.

FABULOUS Review on Reader's Choice for Shadows on Iron Mountain by Chuck Walsh.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I believe God wants you to know that there is no challenge you cannot meet -- and that includes the present one.

I believe God wants you to know that there is no challenge you cannot meet -- and that includes the present one.

I know that on some days it doesn't feel like you want to continue the struggle anymore. But I promise you, it is going to be worth it.
What is happening now is part of a larger process leading to your own self-realization. Please believe me, and sleep well in the truth of that. Your soul will rejoice again--more than it ever did before.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Kathleen M. Rodgers’ interview with Tracy Crow Weidemaier

Kathleen M. Rodgers’ interview with Tracy Crow Weidemaier, editor of the new anthology, Red, White and True from Potomac Books, an imprint of University of Nebraska Press. My AF Times essay "Remembering Forgotten Fliers, Their Survivors" is included in this collection which features a Pulitzer Prize winning author, a New York Times Notable Novelist, an award-winning editor, and many other writers with impressive credentials. For you baseball fans, Tracy's husband is a coach with the Washington Nationals.

Words from Pep Storms of life and the paradox of pain…

Words from Pep
Storms of life and the paradox of pain…

A cold fierce wind bit hard upon our bodies. We looked for deliverance from its rage by heading downhill toward the ice-covered river. Here, within the crevice of a boulder and drifting snow we nested ourselves. Overhead air currents blasted through hemlock and leaf bare poplar, giving voice to the storm’s wrath. Pressing with me into this cleft of the rock was my hairy friend tail tucked tight, ears alert. Two species joined in common need. Horizontal snow corkscrewed in the eddy of our shelter, falling over man and dog like a gleaming blanket being tucked in by an invisible hand. Wrapped in Earth Mother’s insulation, a warm presence began to envelop our beings. A mysterious peace beyond understanding settled upon our sanctuary as the chaos and frenzy continued. Fused with my companion in this serene state we sat joyful amidst the riot and watched the vapors of our breath rise and swirl out of sight. . . . . . Storms, mad hurricanes of pain, are inevitable. They rise slowly or blindside us without warning taking our breath away. The pain brought our way by these tempests is part of the privilege of existence, the price of wisdom, the chisel shaping our souls. . . . . . My friend and I had hoped to make it back to our cabin before it came upon us. Our plans and hopes were not to be our lot. Yet, here in the midst of our distress, a retreat, both physical and spiritual, brought us solace and peace. Here in the Cleft of the Rock we found sanctuary. The Rock of our refuge gave us consolation and weathered the trials with us. . . . . . Slowly the blanket thickened until it seemed we had been consumed. But, to the contrary, we rested content, safe within the storm. With the passing of time we emerged, man and dog, giving thanks for the experience, knowing our lives were more complete because of it. My friend has long passed on, but I feel someday, beyond the western door, we will meet to recall the shaping of our souls on that cold day. 

I believe God wants you to know that you can remain in your present idea about yourself, or you can choose again. I like the idea of choosing again.

I believe God wants you to know that you can remain in your present idea about yourself, or you can choose again. I like the idea of choosing again.
Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you were yesterday, and dream of who you can be tomorrow.

Monday, January 12, 2015

New review of Forgotten Heroes of World War II: Personal Accounts of Ordinary Soldiers Land, Sea and Air from France…

New review of Forgotten Heroes of World War II: Personal Accounts of Ordinary Soldiers Land, Sea and Air from France…

Tom, Ca va sans dire.....David
Please tell  Tom that one of your friends said that his book on Heroes of WWII is truly a great read, especially "There are no foxholes in the sky" and the typhoon story of 1942 in the Pacific---not to mention the Normandy landing and the B - 17 raids on Germany in daylight.  I don' t see how those men kept their sanity. Also the Battle of the Bulge.      

Published by Taylor Trade Publishing Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency  Thomas E. Simmons  


Crime Book Club

A grand review of Playing Mrs. Kingston by Tony Lee Moral!

I rarely find myself finishing a book in a short period of time, but this book was very intriguing and swept me in and kept me interested until the end.  I have always been a fan of murder mysteries, but that love of the genre also makes me a tough critic. If a story doesn't deliver, then I am more than willing to set it aside and not finish.  This book was a pleasure because it delivered in content, story development, and pacing, all of which are integral for the genre.  I enjoy story settings that I am not familiar with and learn about as the story goes on. This book paid off in dividends in this aspect, the author demonstrating his expertise in the world he writes about.

    Emilio Iaseillo, author of Why People Do What They Do and Chasing the Green

I believe God wants you to know that everything is falling together perfectly, even though it looks as if some things are falling apart.

I believe God wants you to know that everything is falling together perfectly, even though it looks as if some things are falling apart.

Trust in the process you are now experiencing. Life is on your side. It is showing that to you now, though
you may not be able to see it clearly at this time.
You have made your wishes and dreams known to God. Now comes the time for faith. Faith that all is right, right now. Tomorrow will reveal itself exactly as it should.

A fantastic "thank you" and review of The Man Called Brown Condor by Thomas E. Simmons!

A fantastic "thank you" and review of The Man Called Brown Condor by Thomas E. Simmons!

Dear Tom:

Greetings from Ohio. It was a great pleasure to read your wonderful book The Man Called Brown Condor.  As an Ethiopian by birth and a proud naturalized citizen of the United States, I found this book to be a master piece of history. I learned a great deal about so many things relevant to my own history as well as to the lives of my children: History of racism and segregation in the U.S., history of the aviation industry globally, history of my own forefathers and the battle with the Mussolini and fascist Italians. Overall, what a master piece! While all these are pertinent to any reader, to me every chapter had something to relate to my own life in a reverse analogous way.

Born in Addis Ababa from a former military telegraphist father who spent time in the Korean War (relating to yours), I was trained as a veterinarian who practiced in the remotest area in Southern Ethiopia, committed my life to serve the people of Ethiopia initially, migrated to the U.S. in the mid-1990s and served the U.S. in North Carolina and now in Ohio. I established a link back to home in Ethiopia and eastern Africa and am currently leading one of the major contemporary global issues—infectious diseases—via a Global One Health program training young scientists in Ethiopia in a building capacity. All the ups and downs I have been through. While by no means am I close to the extent of the humble heroism Colonel John Robinson's exhibited, the book just reminds me life's up and downs, the struggle and commitment for success.

This has been a wonderful reading during the Christmas and New Year break. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are now my hero!!!!

Best regards,

The Ohio State University
Wondwossen A. Gebreyes DVM, PhD, DACVPM 
Professor, Molecular Epidemiology; Director, Global Health Programs
College of Veterinary Medicine
The Man Called Brown Condor  
Published by Sky Horse Publishing