Thursday, December 18, 2014

Juniper Ellis’ novel House of Seven Days has been acquired by Limitless Publishing!

Juniper Ellis’ novel House of Seven Days has been acquired by Limitless Publishing!

House of Seven Days is a unique story of a ‘scavenger hunt’ …of sorts. Pond’s aunt has left her a sprawling Victorian manor that ceaselessly discloses hidden this, that or the-others. She has been bombarded with codicil after codicil from her aunt’s will; strange sentences which turn out to be hints to uncovering the truth….but of what? A teenage ‘squatter’ who was left behind by her mother who cleaned for Pond’s aunt, a ‘chimney’ sweep? and a dapper gentleman with a dog, who claims to have a room there, are only half the entourage who complete the ensemble. Each has something to contribute, yet none are initially welcome.
Not a traditional chapter book, it is by the day of the week as Pond has been given seven days to figure out the riddles and hope to retain the extraordinary property and all of the inheritance.
Juniper Ellis is an award-winning professor and a speaker-in-demand from Paris to Pennsylvania, reaching people from all walks of life. Audiences say her words are “challenging and inspiring, life-changing, smart and relatable, radiant, uplifting and funny, eloquent.”  Her nonfiction book Tattooing the World (Columbia University Press, 2008) was listed as “required reading” in the New York Post and won the 2008 City Paper award for best book by a Baltimore author.
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency
Published by Limitless Publishing

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