Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Delta of Venus

Delta of Venus
Not wanting to complain, but I slept like crap last night. As a woman of a certain age, I find myself heating up to the point where I am kicking the blankets off as if I am preparing for a fight—and perhaps it is a fight—for an occasional good night’s sleep. Keep reading, it gets better—I stop whining.

Photo by Hariadhi
Thus, the early morning dawn had me sleeping like a dog after a rough go. Yet I felt something float through my subconscious—or was that something brushing against my forehead? I tried to ignore it but the sensation persisted. Was it a moth, a mosquito or the cat’s whiskers? Often Mr. Spock, my 16 pound Russian Blue will land on the bed with a thunk in the dark, as he prowls around looking for the very best early morn sleep spot. He has a tendency to crowd me, pressing his head into mine before settling his massive gray frame against me.
 But my sensory perception was that this was no cat whisker tickle. The smell was warm and fresh and had a hint of natural shave cream. Unless Mr. Spock had taken up new habits in the bathroom?
 Sensory perceptions are of great interest to me, hence why I wrote a book about food, erotica and the sensations one can experience with the simplest of tools, Just Keep Your Panties On: A Playful Book about Food and Erotica for the Bedside Table (available for acquisition). In my case, love, lust, juicy passion, the outdoors and food co-mingle to bring me to heights of ecstasy. I look for these opportunities every day and sometimes in the strangest of places. But that’s another blog when you know me a bit better. Wait for it. But you can go to my Facebook page and LOVE it.
As for the mere hint of a touch? It was my beloved, placing ever-so-light butterfly kisses across my face before he departed for his morning beach salutations and workout. He knows I am likely awake and that I am refusing to be awake by covering my face with a sheet to ward off the insistent light of the Eastern sky.   He also knows that I cannot resist the softness of these sweet nothings as he places them ever-so-gently on my skin. It is a familiar scene for him as I pretend to be asleep for as long as I can to prolong the pleasure of this most reverent of acts.
Feather kisses. Try them tomorrow. Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

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