Thursday, July 25, 2013

Think on things such as this…
By James “Pep” Washburn

Think on things such as this - It is claimed that our physical body replaces itself over a period of 7 years. Each of 100 trillion cells from bone, skin, organs and muscle dies, is removed and replaced. The DNA, genes, proteins, the molecules and atoms that make up your every cell are scattered over the earth. That which was you is dispersed on the wind, into the rivers, seas and the soil. That which was you becomes grass, grain or leaf, deer, firefly, eel and raven. If this is what you become, who have you been? The chances are good that the present, past and future components of many of your 100 trillion cells will have been at one time bison or sparrow, redwood, Leaf Erickson, even Jesus. You likely have or had molecules of Bantu, Arab, Cherokee, Norse, and surely part of the stars of the galaxies from which all elements have been born. In more ways than I can imagine I am linked to all of creation. Not just allied, but intimately inseparable from everyone and all that is. You and I are interconnected, interdependent, interrelated. This is ultimate reality and thinking on things such as this inaugurates the birth of humility. From humility grows wisdom and its supreme beauty - universal love. This is the beginning of knowing creation as the Maker of All Things knows it. It is the beginning of your freedom from bondage to desperate self-preservation. Think on things such as this.  



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