Saturday, July 27, 2013

Win a FREE copy of Desolate Heart by Sidney Archer!

Sidney Archer , author of Desolate Heart published by Ecanus Publishing   is going to run a contest soon to give away a signed copy of her book, Desolate Heart. If you'd like a chance to win, just go to her author page and like it, then watch for the contest announcement in your newsfeed.
Follow this link:  I hope you win! This is a wonderful story that reminded me so much of Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour. You relate, laugh, cry, scream at the characters and cheer! This is a must read, and if you win, FREE. You can’t beat that!

Friday, July 26, 2013

A super pre-view of SUPERCELL by Buzz Bernard!

Buzz Bernard storm chasing with Silver Lining Tours.
Buzz Bernard’s latest weather thriller takes us along as a disgraced storm chaser strives to regain his ruined career, connect with his alienated son, and win a deliciously sleazy movie producer’s million-dollar reward for film of an EF 5 tornado. On board for the chase is a female FBI agent with her own issues who’s chasing two brothers who use their storm-chasing skills to loot destroyed homes and stores. It’s a wild ride you don’t want to abandon to eat or sleep.--Jack Williams, author and founding USA Today Weather Page editor

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Think on things such as this…
By James “Pep” Washburn

Think on things such as this - It is claimed that our physical body replaces itself over a period of 7 years. Each of 100 trillion cells from bone, skin, organs and muscle dies, is removed and replaced. The DNA, genes, proteins, the molecules and atoms that make up your every cell are scattered over the earth. That which was you is dispersed on the wind, into the rivers, seas and the soil. That which was you becomes grass, grain or leaf, deer, firefly, eel and raven. If this is what you become, who have you been? The chances are good that the present, past and future components of many of your 100 trillion cells will have been at one time bison or sparrow, redwood, Leaf Erickson, even Jesus. You likely have or had molecules of Bantu, Arab, Cherokee, Norse, and surely part of the stars of the galaxies from which all elements have been born. In more ways than I can imagine I am linked to all of creation. Not just allied, but intimately inseparable from everyone and all that is. You and I are interconnected, interdependent, interrelated. This is ultimate reality and thinking on things such as this inaugurates the birth of humility. From humility grows wisdom and its supreme beauty - universal love. This is the beginning of knowing creation as the Maker of All Things knows it. It is the beginning of your freedom from bondage to desperate self-preservation. Think on things such as this.  



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another fantastic review for Robert Shows’ ‘A Sentence of Death’: Words That Killed A President, published by Ecanus Publishing

Another book about the assassination of President Kennedy is apt, for anyone living that awful November day, to produce the yawn factor; not so the version of that event and its aftermath in Robert Shows' novel A Sentence of Death. I have no idea about Dr. Shows' ability in the emergency room, where he practiced for many years, or in his medical office where he still holds forth, but I can testify to his ability as a writer.
This doctor can write, and if you are a fan of the character driven suspense novel, then this history-laced book is for you. It is a page turner, and even though I still can see in my haunted vision the events of that day in Dallas, as I was reading the pages leading up to the sound of the gunfire, I still hoped that someone or something would intervene. The story does not end in Dallas, however, but extends over a period of almost 25 years and finally in Vicksburg.
In between, the reader travels to New Orleans in prose so vivid, you'll want to call and make reservations, to a Davis Island camp in the Mississippi, precious to southerners whose sense of place contains the acknowledgement of evil in our most loved places. This novel is global, however, for those who like to look around and meet interesting characters wherever you are.
The premise that Kennedy's assassination was set in motion by an off-hand remark by the then Assistant Director of the FBI might seem slim, but so were the many ideas of a conspiracy that ultimately destroyed many other lives. That we, after so many years, still argue about conspiracies and cringe when we hear the words Dealey Plaza, certainly shows the power the assassination still has to haunt us. And in this novel, the realization, that one assassination calls for another and another so that no witness can be left behind, says something vital about the perpetuation of any evil act. The easy disregard for human life mirrors today's society and will leave the reader breathless with fear.
The strength of this book is in its characters, all people we have met or think we know: ruthless politicians, hungry for power and filled with such hubris, the arrogance of their crimes against the country and its people seem today taken right out of the news. Mafia figures and people on the fringe who feel a type of misplaced devotion, the Jack Rubys among us, we've learned to live with in a sort of hopeless resignation. But characters in this work, living with regret and remorse after one ill-fated decision and who ultimately have to pay, can still draw from us a knowing sympathy.
And there are the ordinary people, trying to keep marriages together and friendships secured and children safe who grace this extraordinary novel: characters who go about making the movements of life with no idea that they will be thrust into violence but who exhibit courage and skill beyond their own imaginings when confronted with people from our worst nightmare. That the main character is an emergency room doctor will not be lost on us, we who long to be the hero of our own adventure.
So find a place where you won't be disturbed and start reading. You will love this book.

Friday, July 19, 2013

LLA welcomes a new children's book author, Ruth Wiseman and How the Moon Became Dim!

represented by Jeanie Loiacono
Ruth Wiseman has been writing children's stories since 5th grade, when her English teacher, Mr. Lavrov, inspired her talents. Since that time, she has written several stories and shared them with friends and family. She hopes to be published soon and to share her stories with even more children. She is a grateful mother of two young daughters and two step-sons, and lives in Passaic, NJ.

How the Moon Became Dim is a delightful children's story inspired by a Jewish Talmudic interpretation of the Creation story, verses in Genesis 1:14-19. The Jewish Talmud contains a commentary of the creation of the Sun and Moon. Originally, they were both the same size and emitted the same amount of light. The Moon wanted to be more powerful than the Sun. God instead decided to diminish the Moon, in order to teach her a lesson from which we all can learn. Mrs. Wiseman's variation on this Talmudic interpretation brings the reader closer to the Moon's feelings, and gently relates the lesson of dealing with jealousy to young readers.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

By Buzz Bernard

Sam Townsend, rheumy-eyed, weatherbeaten and heavyset, sports a face folded with age and memories.  If you ever searched for him in a crowd, he wouldn’t be difficult to spot.  He wears a black stovepipe hat with an eagle’s feather jammed into the hatband.

Half Osage Indian and a Vietnam combat veteran, Sam is conflicted by visions rooted in his native American background, and nightmares erupting from his memories of the killing grounds of Southeast Asia.  For instance, when he tells his old friend and veteran storm chaser Chuck Rittenburg to Beware the thunder, it turns out he wasn’t warning of thunderstorms.

Sam owns and operates The Gust Front Grill, a strange but popular gathering place for storm chasers that exudes an acid-rock Zeitgeist of the 1960s.  Clinging to existence on the windswept grasslands of Oklahoma, you might find within the Gust Front’s confines on any given day in the spring, the height of the tornado season, a wide variety of chasers: TV news crews, tour groups, researchers, dedicated hobbyists, and maybe a few amateurs.

Within the chaser community, a legend has grown to surround Sam, but no one knows how much of it is truth and how much is fable.  The story goes that he has a fortune hidden away somewhere in or near the Gust Front and that it’s guarded by a mysterious but fierce sentinel named Monty.

Fiction or fact?  Is the fortune real?  And if so, is Monty real?  You’ll find out in November--when SUPERCELL thunders into the book world.

Published by BelleBooks
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

Books by Friends: Countenance, by Joy Ross Davis

One of the pitfalls (for me), of being a successful writer has been the diminished time I’ve spent reading. It surely isn’t for lack of desire because I love to read. It isn’t even so much a lack of time, either, because I believe you can always find time for things you really want to do. My problem seems to be physical, related to spending so many hours at a screen, putting together stories. There are days when I close my eyes and literally see words running across my vision like statistics on a ticker tape.
Vision problems aside, I want to read more than I have been, and I want many of those books to be the ones written by my writer friends. I have quite a stash.
Today, I post about Countenance, by Joy Ross Davis. This is her debut novel, published earlier this year by Ecanus Publishing. Joy refers to her book as “paranormal”, but these days, that genre conjures up images of vampires, werewolves and zombies, all of them so overdone that the majority the reading public is exhausted by it. I think the content of this book can more aptly be described as “supernatural”.
While I thoroughly enjoyed Countenance and found it well-written, I want to be honest and say it is not a quick, easy read. The story is unique and intriguing, drawing the reader in after a few pages. There are some terrifying moments between the covers of this book. Souls trapped in an old inn, strange comings and goings, and flashes into other times can confuse a reader who is easily distracted or not fully engaged in the story. So I recommend you read this book when you have some quiet reading time; you don’t want to miss out on the details that enrich this story.
Here is a video trailer for Countenance:
The author and I shared some conversation recently, and I now share with you a few tidbits on how this story came to be:
  • Where did the idea for Countenance originate?
    • The idea came from a voice I heard while standing on my porch one night. It said, “Countenance.” From there, the story ideas took hold and by the next morning, I knew all of the characters.
  • Why this story?
    • Countenance came at a time when I needed relief from the grief of losing my mother. It kept me sane and occupied, and the story blends all the elements of my family and experiences.
  •  How long did it take you to write it?
    • I wrote it in eight months then spent another four months with an editor to revise and polish it.
  • Do you believe in angels and demons (bright spirits and dark spirits) and were you taught to believe as a child?
    • I do most certainly believe in angels and demons, but I was not taught that as a child. I was discouraged in those beliefs, but when I was six, I had an experience that cemented my belief in angels.
  •  Do you believe you’ve ever had encounters with either side?
    • Oh, most certainly. I believe that when I was a child, an angel saved me from a deadly lightning strike. Lightning struck at my feet just as an angel appeared and told me to run. I ran and suffered only minor blisters from the strike. When I looked back, the angel was gone, but the ground where I had been standing was completely charred.
  •  I know you told me some people refuse to read Countenance because of its supernatural theme. What do you say to those who think your story is “of the devil”?
    • This sort of makes me laugh. I know that some people choose what to read based on their beliefs, and of course, that is their right. But I would say to everyone that Countenance is a work of fiction. It is not intended for any purpose other than to entertain…and possibly uplift. I really don’t believe that a work of fiction can test anyone’s faith.
  • What’s next?Next on the agenda is finishing the sequel, which takes place in Ireland.
    • My original idea was that Countenance would be three books: one in Tennessee, one in Ireland, and the last in Tennessee. But, that vision has changed a bit. I still see it as three books, but there will be more blending of the characters and places. The major characters from the first book will remain in all three books with a deeper look into the family history and a few extra ghosts and angels sprinkled throughout!
Thank you, Joy, for taking a few minutes to let us know a bit about the background of your story. Good luck with the sequels!
You may visit the author’s website: Or follow her on Facebook:Joy Ross Davis as Angelwriter I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself or if you prefer, download to your e-reader.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

That Still, Small Voice
By James “Pep” Washburn

I couldn’t see it but there was something in the air, subtle, yet unmistakable. If you were distracted by the other more glaring and harsh realities you might easily miss it. I was hiking the Ice Age Trail less than a kilometer north of the landfill. No, it wasn’t the conspicuous smell of garbage infused with maggots and rot. It wasn’t exhaust from dozers wrestling the earth to cover sponge-like piles forced from the anus of each giant green truck. That was beyond question dominant orthodox reality, but every now-and-then a delicate breath infused with the clearness and sparkle of life would waft through my mind whispering, “Turn aside. Center down. I speak a higher reality if you will look for me.” . . . . . . I slowed my pace, listened, looked, mindfully inhaled the air. I stood still, centered in that moment and place. Once I did it became evident. . . . . . Broadly strewn about the forest floor in what seemed to be a deliberate manner were petite effervescent white blossoms. Now on my knees and bowed before them I drew close with my nose. Yes! These were the dazzling little spirits whose communication with still small voice I had sensed. Here with head down, humble, listening, smelling the other reality within the prevailing atmosphere, I may have appeared odd, crazy, even possessed, but the truth is these wee beauties spoke of a transcendent divine essence. An essence that, if we will but center down, look humbly and smell the whispers of our hearts, we can all experience and possess. It is the experience of a benevolent universal love being spoken by the still small voice of the Great Mystery. A voice perfumed by the Spirit of God. A smell that charms, attracts and encompasses all people. 

Book Signings and Events for Joy Ross Davis

February 3, 2014
Speaking to Episcopal Women’s organization.
August 28-30, 2013
Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, Georgia
Decatur, GA is a friendly city that welcomes the authors every year since 2005
August 8, 2013
Emalyn’s Treasure will be featured on the Helping Hands Press Thirsty Thursday Event.  The fun goes on at Facebook and in a G-Zone simulcast.

Camel Press Announces the September Release of Maddie’s Choice: A New York Writer Finds Love and Adventure on a Cattle Ranch

Seattle, WA—On September 1, 2013, Camel Press will release Maddie’s Choice ($14.95, 274 pages, ISBN: 978-1-60381-959-6), a contemporary romance by Joyce Zeller about an author with writer’s block who finds inspiration and a renewed sense of purpose after she inherits part of a cattle ranch in Arkansas.

“A bull hooked on chocolate plays the hero in this love story of two people struggling to restore their destroyed lives. Maddie’s Choice is a touching family story that will have readers laughing and crying simultaneously. Zeller has created flawed but sympathetic characters and a bucolic setting that will appeal to readers of all ages. A must read for anyone who has ever dreamed of living on a ranch. As Maddie is fond of reminding herself, ‘How hard can it be?’ ”
—Velda Brotherton, author of western historical romances

“Joyce has walked the walk with her Western romance set on a cattle ranch. Good read!”
—Dusty Richards, Spur winning author of more than 120 western novels, many under the name, Josh Logan

Romance writer Maddie Taylor’s career is in trouble. Convinced that true love does not exist outside of her imagination, she can’t complete her current manuscript. When a friend, Jonah Spartman, dies and wills her half of his cattle ranch, she seizes the chance to leave New York City. There is one catch: in order to inherit she must stay in Arkansas for three months.

The other half of the ranch belongs to Gideon Spartman, Jonah’s grandson, a black-ops veteran whose humanity was torn from him in Afghanistan. Rugged and sexy, Gideon embodies the hero in Maddie’s current manuscript. He is far from happy to be sharing an inheritance that is rightfully his with a “gold-digging bimbo” and resents having to care for his two orphaned nephews. But Maddie senses the need behind Gideon’s rough and unwelcoming exterior. She must also contend with the two love-starved boys and an Angus bull who craves chocolate.

The ranch is hardly the safe haven Maddie expected. It is operating in the red, and the area is plagued with drug dealers and cattle rustlers. Maddie can return to her barren New York existence or stay and fight to save the ranch and win Gideon’s love. The choice is hers.

Says Zeller, “Maddie’s Choice features my favorite theme—that being human is a lonely business, but for everyone there is somebody to love. It’s a matter of finding them. There will always be kids and animals in my books, and always humor, because life without humor is unthinkable.”

Joyce Zeller has written articles for a magazine and a cooking column for a chain of suburban newspapers north of Chicago. She has written five books and published two, The Hidden History of Eureka Springs, and Accidental Alien, a work of science fiction, both available on Amazon. Her short story, “Love is a Seed,” is featured in Embrace: A Romance Collection, (2012 Goldmine Press). You can find Joyce on the Web at

Maddie’s Choice is currently available for pre-order on After Sept. 1, it will also be for sale in both eBook and 5x8 trade paperback editions on, the European Amazons, Amazon Japan and select independent bookstores. Bookstores and libraries will be able to order wholesale through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or by contacting Libraries can also order from Follett Library Resources or Midwest Library Service. Other electronic versions will be available on Smashwords.

ABOUT Camel Press—Based in Seattle Washington, Camel Press is a new imprint owned by Coffeetown Press. Camel Press publishes genre fiction: romance, mystery/suspense, science fiction, horror … or any combination thereof. We publish the books that grab you and hold you in their grip long into the night.

Catherine Treadgold
Camel Press
P.O. Box 70515
Seattle, WA 98127

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

‘A Sentence of Death’: Words That Killed A President new book trailer!! Fantastic!

By Robert Shows
Joyce Zeller’s novel Maddie’s Choice (for pre-purchase) release date September 1, 2013

A wonder woman, Joyce Zeller has done it all: from serving in the military to being a professional perfumer and aroma therapist. She has also written three books: two novels and a nonfiction. Her latest, Maddie’s Choice, touches the heart of both men and women. Her protagonist, Maddie, is a writer with a major “block” who has inherited an Arkansas ranch, but that is not all, oh no. A set of twins and a vet with PTSD are only the beginning. Add cattle rustling and a motorcycle drug gang and you have a reason for Maddie to get an attitude. Does she stay and fight it out or head back to NYC? It really is Maddie’s choice.
Hidden Secrets of Eureka Springs
Accidental Alien
Joyce Zeller -

Monday, July 15, 2013

Now available on ebook and soon in print…Chasing Horizons-The Great Air Race that Changed the World
By Jim Bolander
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency
Published by Ecanus Publishing

This impossible feat set precedence for Lindberg, Earhart, Redfern and Yeagar.  This story touches on every element of emotion: a grand love story with beautiful poetry written on cigarette wrappers, to flying over open-ocean in horrific, frigid temperatures and one of the most patriotic and death-defying feats accomplished until space flight.
This "Indiana Jones" action starts out with Bolander and his daughter touring The Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum where he is showing her Chicago, Great-Uncle Lowell’s plane, which inspires her to write about him for a school assignment. Then Bolander takes us to that very time and around the world in an open-air cockpit to win the race. It is an incredible read and a true story.
Chasing Horizons-The Great Air Race that Changed the World is a historical fiction depicting the aeronautical challenge of 1924 in which four Douglas World Cruisers and eight American crewmen set out from Seattle, Washington, to attempt the first around-the-world airplane flight. One hundred seventy-five days later two of the aircraft and crews became the first to circumnavigate earth.
Bolander has taken 90% fact and added the background story to bring it to life. His research and historical details will chill you to the bone when they are in the tundra of Alaska, make you want to swat the mosquitoes in the Orient, feel the sting of the sandstorms as they fly across the deserts of the Middle East, and stand in ovation as they make each extraordinary landing. Imagine a single engine, open cockpit, and wooden airplane held together with wires and bands; no GPS, no radios, no heater or a/c or toilet or any type of refreshments and you are to pilot this “just invented” flying machine around the world – and before any of the other 5 countries who joined the race. To these men, there was no turning back.
Britain, Italy, Argentina, Portugal, and France were all vying with the United States in 1924 to win the race to be first to fly around the world. The story of what transpired in the six months it took to accomplish this virgin task is the stuff legends and heroes are made of.  Lowell Smith, the first to complete the mission, is not only a humble and patriotic aviation icon, but also the great uncle to Jim Bolander, which makes this world and family history as well.  The desire for Bolander to honor his family by putting into words what everyone has forgotten was ignited by the curiosity of his daughter who chose Lowell Smith as the subject of a fifth grade report and oral presentation concerning a famous American.

From: 04/06/24 To: 09/28/24 (Seattle to Seattle, WA)
Miles Flown: 26,350 miles
Flying Time: 371H 11M
Plane Type: Douglas World Cruisers - Amphibians
Plane Names: Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle and Boston
Pilot Names: Lowell H. Smith, Erik Nelson, Frederick L. Martin & Leigh Wade
Comments: 1st Flight Round-the-World, 4 Planes started, 2 finished.
Bolander has written Beating Kings and Burning Angels published by Digital Pulp Publishing He has written several other novels and a book of poetry as well.

Jeanie Loiacono
Loiacono Literary Agency
448 Lacebark Dr.
Irving, Texas 75063

Sunday, July 14, 2013

April Grace Reilly is at it again in a short story by KD McCrite, Flowers for Isabel.

April Grace has entertained us in three wonderful mid-grade novels in the Confessions of April Grace series: In Front of God and Everybody, Cliques, Hicks and Ugly Sticks! and Chocolate-covered Baloney. Her country, teenage humor mixed with real-life issues and always a mystery in tow, keep you turning pages, laughing, crying and agreeing whole-heartedly.
Enjoy and if you have not read them, please do.

Friday, July 12, 2013

LLA takes on XXXtreme Discretion by Michael Infinito

Michael Infinito’s psychological thriller XXXtreme Discretion shows us just how dangerous the world of casual internet dating can be. Non-stop suspense, a touch of supernatural involvement, and unexpected twists every step of the way, A shocking, raw, and powerful juggernaut that puts a new twist on common abduction tales.
In the dictionary, under the definition of the word ‘psychopath’, there should be a picture of Dwight Barnes, a self-made business man whose success was born out of his twisted desire to fulfill a secret promise to a lost loved one.
When Roxbury, New Jersey detectives, Monica Ross and Mike D’Tavio, discover their case involving a missing woman might be linked to three others in the nearby area, all traceable to a casual affair dating site known as XXXtreme Discretion, they try to fit the puzzle pieces together with little success….Until Ross spirals into what appears to be a hopeless situation of pain and suffering, leading to an unexpected ending that will keep everyone on the edge of their seats.
Michael Infinito is a novelist and short story writer. He grew up in New Jersey and now resides under the clear blue skies of eastern North Carolina. With a life-long passion for writing, his goal has always been to create compelling stories that people won’t want to put down. In Blog We Trust (Black Rose Writing, 2013) and 12:19 (MueItUp Publishing, 2013) do just that. Compared to Stephen King in his writing style, he can scares you into turning pages until the very end.