Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ladies and gents, set your cells to go off November 13 @ 4-5 PM for the – Fran Lewis Radio Interview – with JJ White, author of Prodigious Savant

Ladies and gents, set your cells to go off November 13 @ 4-5 PM for the – Fran Lewis Radio Interview – with JJ White, author of Prodigious Savant

There are fewer than one hundred reported cases of prodigious savants in the world. Those few who possess the savant syndrome all have an island of brilliance that allows them to excel in some remarkable talent. Unfortunately, they all share various developmental disabilities; some bizarre, others violent. 
In 1962 Vermont, seventeen-year-old Gavin Weaver survives a horrendous explosion, six hours of brain surgery and thirty days in a coma to awaken possessing not just one savant talent, but several: art, music, mathematics, and memory, and all without suffering any of the usual mental disabilities associated with head trauma…except one issue he keeps hidden from all.
His newly acquired abilities thrust him into the public eye as the amazing ‘Whiz Kid from Burlington;’ a moniker he detests. His genius, paranoia, and increased hallucinations result in some strange and extraordinary encounters with the icons of the ‘60s, including Bobby Fischer, Nikita Khrushchev, Edward R. Murrow, John Chancellor and even a tragic meeting with John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He also catches the eye of a neurologist who is unique in his own right, and is most interested in the young man’s brain—for many reasons.
Gavin’s odds are slim that he will survive not only his external trials but also his inner conflicts; keeping him from the one thing he desires most, the girl he’s loved since childhood.

White has written over two hundred short stories, had articles and stories published in several anthologies and magazines including, Wordsmith, The Homestead Review, The Seven Hills Review and The Grey Sparrow Journal. His story, “The Nine Hole League” was recently published in the Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, #13. He has won awards and honors from the Alabama Writers Conclave, Writers-Editors International, Maryland Writers Association, The Royal Palm Literary Awards, Professional Writers of Prescott, and Writer’s Digest. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize for his short piece in The Grey Sparrow Journal. His other two novels, Deviant Acts (2015) and Nisei (2015) will also by published by Black Opal Books.  Published by Black Opal Books

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

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