Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Stephen Doster aka Stefan Soto’s (OMG) Don Quixote and Candide Seek Truth, Justice and El Dorado in the Digital Age (LOL) has been acquired by Argus Publishing!

Stephen Doster aka Stefan Soto’s (OMG) Don Quixote and Candide Seek Truth, Justice and El Dorado in the Digital Age (LOL) has been acquired by Argus Publishing! http://loiaconoliteraryagency.com/stephen-doster-aka-stefan-sotos-omg-don-quixote-and-candide-seek-truth-justice-and-el-dorado-in-the-digital-age-lol-has-been-acquired-by-argus-publishing

Amanda Matti, author of A Foreign Affair, is on the home page of the San Diego County Public Library's website…and the book has been added to their catalog.

Amanda Matti, author of A Foreign Affair, is on the home page of the San Diego County Public Library's website…and the book has been added to their catalog. http://www.sdcl.org/  http://encore.co.san-diego.ca.us/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1851857__Sa%20foreign%20affair__Orightresult__X7;jsessionid=505BCD871EBEDAEAEB9611BB75B22AD9?lang=eng&suite=def

Argus Publishing takes on Lisa Reinhard’s inspirational and supportive compilation Psalms for the Single Mom

Argus Publishing takes on Lisa Reinhard’s inspirational and supportive compilation Psalms for the Single Mom. http://loiaconoliteraryagency.com/argus-publishing-takes-on-lisa-reinhards-inspirational-and-supportive-compilation-psalms-for-the-single-mom

Arwen Chandler: Sculpting Words from Air Author Interview with Richard Paolinelli, author of Reservations and Betrayals

jbronderbookreviews No Good Deed Left Undone by Ginny Fite

No Good Deed Left Undone by Ginny Fite

Amanda Matti, author of A Foreign Affair, to be on nationally syndicated BizTalk Radio Thursday, January 5th @7pm with Jim Campbell.

Thoroughly engaging . . . a story of triumph over adversity. As One Must, One Can by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Put this on your calendars! TWO opportunities to meet Caroline Giammanco, author of Bank Notes - The True Story of the Boonie Hat Bandit!!

Put this on your calendars! TWO opportunities to meet Caroline Giammanco, author of Bank Notes - The True Story of the Boonie Hat Bandit!! http://loiaconoliteraryagency.com/put-this-on-your-calendars-two-opportunities-to-meet-caroline-giammanco-author-of-bank-notes-the-true-story-of-the-boonie-hat-bandit

Saturday, December 17, 2016

James Washburn will be speaking on Touching Spirit: The Letters of Minominike at the Marathon County Retired Educators Association meeting!

James Washburn will be speaking on Touching Spirit: The Letters of Minominike at the Marathon County Retired Educators Association meeting on February 20, 2017 @10:30am at the Country Aire Bar and Banquet Hall F1312 Co Rd P, Stratford, Wisconsin (715) 687-4934  About 4 miles north of Stratford on highway 97.www.marathoncountyrea.blogspot.com

Argus Publishing has acquired all Stephen Doster books from Deer Hawk Publications!

Argus Publishing has acquired all Stephen Doster books from Deer Hawk Publications! http://loiaconoliteraryagency.com/argus-publishing-has-acquired-all-stephen-doster-books-from-deer-hawk-publications

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the mother of triplets! And doesn't she look fabulous?!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the mother of triplets! And doesn't she look fabulous?! http://loiaconoliteraryagency.com/rochelle-wisoff-fields-is-the-mother-of-triplets
No, not human babies, but three literary babies in her series! The third in the Havah Saga, As One Must, One Can, has just been released. Her two older siblings, Please Say Kaddish For Me and From Silt and Ashes, have been receiving global 5-Star Reviews since their launches causing those who read one to want them all. So, if you want to give the gift that keeps giving, buy all three.